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Links to Albums 1 and 2


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Defender of Fate


#1 Defender of Fate
#2 Guitar Commander
#3 Let Freedom Ring
#4 Creatures in the Night
#5 The Awakening
#6 Darkest Before Dawn
#7 Treat Me Good
#8 Champion Stride
#9 Music Mural
#10 Mysteria

This is the second heavy rock album recorded by Andrew Otwell and is a continuation of the sound and spirit of the debut album. With more soaring leads and intricate rhythms, this album is another "must have" in the Otwell lineup of albums. Again, the band is a 7 piece band with multiple guitars, bass, keyboards, heavy drums and percussion.


Access it on iTunes, YouTube, Amazon Music, Spotify, or shop direct on OtwellMusic.com®


Master Overdrive


#1 Air in the Night
#2 Master Overdrive
#3 Flying in Formation
#4 Pleasure Point
#5 Troops Return Home
#6 Lucky Break
#7 Sunrise
#8 Concert Overture
#9 Muse Dance
#10 Souls Rising

This is the debut instrumental heavy rock album recorded by Andrew Otwell. From soaring leads, hard driving rhythms, and impressive instrumentation for 7 piece band, this is an album you don't want to miss. The band is comprised of multiple guitars, bass, keyboards, heavy drums and percussion.


Access it on iTunes, YouTube, Amazon Music, Spotify, or shop direct on OtwellMusic.com®



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